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My name is Inma.  I was born in Seville in 1977. Nature and the study and understanding of life caught my interest since I was a child. After graduating in Biology at the University of Seville (1996-2001), I completed a PhD in Cancer Biology at the Center for Cancer Research in Salamanca (2006). I then carried out my postdoctoral studies at Barts Cancer Institute and UCL Cancer Institute in London (2007-2016), doing basic research in cell signalling in cancer and trying to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the development of the disease.


My passion for nature and science has always gone hand in hand with the ability to draw and paint, skills that I have used, not only as a hobby, but also to communicate my scientific results in an effective and visually attractive way.


In 2017 I was selected to attend the first MSc in Scientific Illustration in Spain, given by the University of the Basque Country. The course was a unique opportunity where I trained with renown and internationally recognised illustrators such as Carles Puche and Fernando Baptista, who is currently considered one of the best infographics experts in the world.



In 2019, I founded DharmaBeren Studio.



50% of the work of the scientific illustrator requires documenting, reading and researching the scientific subject to illustrate. In order to represent something first we have to understand it.


Why me? I am a biologist, a scientist and a scientific illustrator. Among the skills I have acquired during my career as a biologist and researcher, there is a great capacity for observation, analysis, understanding, attention to detail, critical and creative thinking. When we discuss the best way to illustrate your project, I will advise you with the vision, knowledge and experience of the biologist, the scientist and the scientific illustrator.

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All content copyright © 2018​ by DharmaBeren Studio.

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